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Results for Folklore

Author Title Page(s)
Lysaght (Patricia)
An artist on Inis Oírr and Inis Meáin: Simon Coleman’s visit to the Aran Islands in 1959 on behalf of the Irish Folklore Commission 1–33
James (Ronald)
The other side of the Tamar: a comparison of the pixies of Devon and Cornwall 76–95
Bishop (Hilary Joyce)
Memory and legend: recollections of penal times in Irish folklore 18–38
Leary (Peter)
Bicycles, ’barrows, and donkeys: pinning a tale on the Irish border 111–128
Hill (Thomas D.), Mills (Kristen)
The (pregnant) mouse freed from the gallows: a ballad parallel for the conclusion of Manawydan fab Llŷr 302–315
Lysaght (Patricia)
From the British Museum to the Great Blasket: Robin Flower and the Western Island 219–243
Young (Sheila)
The evolution of the contemporary blackening 244–270
Robitaillié (Audrey)
The bagpipe player in the cradle, an Irish changeling motif 376–395
Houlbrook (Ceri)
Saints, poets, and rubber ducks: crafting the sacred at St Nectan’s Glen 344–361
McKenna (Catherine), Hillers (Barbara), Sumner (Natasha)
A night of storytelling and years in the ‘Z-Closet’: the re-discovery and restoration of Oidhche sheanchais, Robert Flaherty's ‘lost’ Irish folklore film 1–19
Darwin (Gregory R.)
On mermaids, Meroveus, and Mélusine: reading the Irish seal woman and Mélusine as origin legend 123–141
Mills (Kristen)
An Irish motif in Guta saga 142–158
Coward (Adam N.)
Edmund Jones and the Pwcca’r Trwyn 177–195
Miller (Stephen)
Cyril I. Paton and the editorship of Manx calendar customs (1942) 224–231
Bernhardt-House (Phillip A.)
Review 245
Hemming (Jessica)
Bos primigenius in Britain: or, why do fairy cows have red ears? 71–82
Ross (Miceal)
Anchors in a three-decker world 63–75
Doan (James E.)
The folksong tradition of Cearbhall Ó Dálaigh 67–86
Carey (John)
Irish parallels to the myth of Odin’s eye 214–218
Doan (James E.)
The legend of the sunken city in Welsh and Breton tradition 77–83
Spaan (David B.)
The place of Manannan mac Lir in Irish mythology 176–195
Jackson (Kenneth H.)
Some fresh light on the miracle of the instantaneous harvest 203–210
Hull (Eleanor)
The hawk of Achill or the legend of the oldest animals 376–409
Hull (Eleanor)
Old Irish tabus, or geasa 41–66
Meyer (Kuno)
The Irish mirabilia in the Norse ‘Speculum Regale’ 299–316
Stokes (Whitley)
The Edinburgh dinnshenchas 471–497
Stokes (Whitley)
The Bodleian dinnshenchas 467–516